Environmental Management On Registration of Hazardous Chemicals
China MEP issued Order No. 22, ‘Provisions on Hazardous Chemical Environmental Management (for Trial Implementation)’ on its website yesterday, ruling that producers/users, importer/ exporter of Hazardous Chemicals should make Registration to obtain ‘Hazardous Chemical Production/Usage Registration Certificate’ and ‘Environment Registration Certificate for Import/Export’ respectively.
‘Provisions on Environmental Administration of New Chemical Substance Management of China’ (MEP Order 7) rules the management on New Chemical substances, is not applicable to Existing chemical substances. This new Provisions (for trial implementation) can be regarded as start on environmental management on existing chemical substances.
Main content is summarized as below. The original full Provisions is at the end.
Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
Frank Wang,
Provisions on Hazardous Chemical Environmental Management (for Trial Implementation) Order No. 22
Enacted by Ministry of Environmental Protection of China (MEP), implemented from March 1st, 2013
Key Point (by Randis www.randis.cn)
Production/usage and import/export of Hazardous Chemicals listed in ‘Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals’ (to be enacted according to ‘Decree 591 on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals --- enacted by State Council on March 2nd of 2011. While MEP would publish the list of hazardous chemicals for which the Registration is not needed based on hazardous property and environmental risks of these hazardous chemicals), as well as in ‘Catalogue of Key Hazardous Chemicals For Environmental Protection’ which will be issued by MEP, should be registered to local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB).
Processors/users of Hazardous Chemicals should submit the materials below to make the registration for obtaining ‘Hazardous Chemical Production/Usage Registration Certificate’,
(1) The Registration Form (will be issued by MEP) ----- including basic information of the company, MSDS, Safety Label, Hazard Classification, usage mode, sensitive surrounding information, quantity, risk prevention and control methods, characteristic pollutant discharge situation, waste chemical disposal situation, etc.
(2) Approval on Environmental Impact Assessment Report (for the plant).
(3) Emergency Preparedness for environmental accidents.
(4) Environmental monitoring report.
(5) Existing plants should also submit Environmental Acceptance of the plant, Waste Discharge Permit, situation on Clean Production, etc., to complete the Registration within 3 years from implementation of this Provisions.
Producer and user of ‘Key Hazardous Chemicals For Environmental Protection’ should carry out Environmental Risk Assessment for the Key Hazardous Chemicals, entrust capable organizations (MEP may publish a list of recommended these organizations having good quality) to compile the Risk Assessment Report, and submit the Report when making the Registration.
The ‘Hazardous Chemical Production/Usage Registration Certificate’ is valid for 3 years.
Producers and users of hazardous chemicals should report New hazardous properties of these hazardous chemicals to EPB in time.
Import/Export of ‘Severely Restricted Hazardous Chemicals For Import and Export’ should obtain in prior the ‘Environment Registration Certificate for Import/Export’, then proceed Customs Clearance at Customs with the ‘Environment Registration Certificate for Import/Export’ (remark by Randis: this part is not totally new, by comparing to the existing ‘Management on Toxic Chemicals Banned or Severely Restricted in the People’s Republic of China’. The new part is: China domestic producer/user’s ‘Hazardous Chemical Production/Usage Registration Certificate’ should be submitted when applying for the ‘Environment Registration Certificate for Import/Export’. This is part of Rotterdam PIC Convention and Stockholm Convention on POPs).
MEP/EPB will issue the 2 Certificate in around 20 working days, if application materials meet the requirements.
Companies should pay for the Registration according to China Rules.
China MEP original Notice can be found at: http://www.mep.gov.cn/gkml/hbb/bl/201210/t20121016_238481.htm