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ECHA amends RAC statement on styrene opinion
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2012-12-25 17:57:27 【Font:Large Middle Small

ECHA has published a corrigendum to its 7 December announcement of the outcomes of the recent Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) meeting. RAC agreed to classify styrene as causing damage to the hearing organs through prolonged or repeated exposure via inhalation and as a substance suspected of damaging the unborn child (Reprotox category 2).

The update notes that in this opinion RAC deviated from the original Danish proposal. This had suggested classifying styrene as causing damage to the nervous system through prolonged or repeated exposure via inhalation, and was a substance that may damage the unborn child (Reprotox category 1B).

In a previous press release the agency had said that the RAC agreed with the Danish proposal.

The agency has also amended information relating to RAC's opinion on benzoic acid.