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The Catalogue of Priority Hazardous Chemicals (PHCs) for Environment Management is issued by China MEP.
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2014-04-11 17:40:56 【Font:Large Middle Small

The Chinese Ministry of Environment Protection has issued the official Catalogue of Priority Hazardous Chemicals (PHCs) for Environment ManagementMEP Order 33on April 3th 2014, the catalogue includes 84 hazardous chemical substances.


According to the new order, the registration of hazardous chemicals for environmental management is launched comprehensively.


For the english version of the catalogue, you could download below pdf file:

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点击下载文件:Catalogue of Priority Hazardous Chemicals for Environment Management (2014)


Reference link:

MEP Order 33: http://www.zhb.gov.cn/gkml/hbb/bgt/201404/t20140409_270296.htm

MEP Order 22: http://www.mep.gov.cn/gkml/hbb/bl/201210/t20121016_238481.htm?keywords=22