Today UN GHS is version 4 already (year 2011 version). GHS is updated every 2 years, each update will have some changes.
Compared to the 3rd revised version, the major changes are listed as below:
For hazard class ‘flammable gases’, 2 more hazard categories have been added. A flammable gas that is also chemically unstable is additionally classified in one of the two categories for chemically unstable gases: category A and category B;
For hazard class ‘flammable aerosols’, 1 additional hazard category has been added. Aerosols which do not meet the criteria for inclusion in Category 1 or Category 2 (extremely flammable or flammable aerosols) should be classified in Category 3 (non-flammable aerosols). The name of hazard class has been changed to ‘Aerosols’ to include non-flammable aerosols;
For hazard class ‘gases under pressure’, a note has been added:Aerosols should not be classified as gases under pressure;
For hazard class ‘corrosive to metals”, if a substance or mixture is classified as corrosive to metals but not corrosive to skin and/or eyes, some authorities might not require the pictogram for the “corrosive to metals” to be displayed on a label if the product is in the finished state and packaged for consumer use;
Hazard criteria for newly added hazard categories have been added.
Cut-off values for category 1 & 2 mutagens/carcinogens/reproductive toxicants are more clearly defined.
China current GHS national standards on Classification and Labelling are based on GHS version 2005. So, there must be a lot of difference between China current GHS national standards GB20576~GB20602-2006, right?
The answer is: YES and NO.
The reason:
YES: the content of these China national standards are yes exactly GHS V. 2005 based.
NO: almost all these China GHS national standards say at chapter 2 that ‘the latest UN GHS is applicable’. It means, if you adopt the GHS classification of the latest UN GHS to China, it is acceptable.
For further information, please contact us.