The main China standard on Safety Label is GB15258, but it is not the only standard raising requirements on Label.
Some other standards also have specific requirements on Labels. This mainly include consumer products, and some special chemicals.
For example,
- QB/T 2952-2008 洗涤用品标识和包装要求 Requirements for detergent marks and packaging
- GB 5296.3-2008 消费品使用说明 化妆品通用标签 Instruction for use of consumer products-General labeling for cosmetics
- SH 0164-1992 石油产品包装,贮运及交货验收规则 Rules for the Packing, Storage, Transportation and Inspection upon Delivery of Petroleum products
(applicable to Lubricants, industrial oils and related products )
- BB/T 0005-2010 气雾剂产品的标示、分类及术语 Labelling, classification and terms of aerosol products
- GBT 18419-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品 杀虫气雾剂 Domestic sanitary insecticidal-Aerosols
- Regulations for the Administration of Industrial Product Manufacture Licensing Certificate
- Order [2012] No. 79 of SWAS requires that formula of Precursor chemicals must be shown on label.
GB15258 says it clearly at chapter 1 of the Standard that ‘if specific requirements exist for products e.g. pesticides, cylinders, these specific requirements should be followed’.
For further information, please feel free to contact us.