Taiwan: Existing Chemical Substance Inventory (draft) to be updated in December
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2012-11-18 22:53:34 【Font:Large Middle Small

Existing Chemical Substance Inventory (draft) scheduled to be updated in December 2012


After concluding the existing chemical substance supplementary (SECN) on August 31, 2012, Taiwan NCSR office has now completed checking all SECN dossiers, and the review is coming to an end. The Existing Chemical Substance Inventory (draft) is scheduled to be revised and updated in mid-December of 2012. The updated draft inventory will be able to be accessed at http://csnn.cla.gov.tw/content/Substance_home.aspx


During the period of nomination, most dossiers submitted by nominators were in compliance with the SECN direction. Currently a small portion of nominators are still in the process of re-submitting further information due to incomplete document or incorrect data submission. The review and confirmation process for dossiers applying for data protection is also still on-going.


Information on CSNN website (http://csnn.cla.gov.tw) will be periodically updated for public access.


Randis will keep the infomation updated at www.randis.cn.