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draft ‘Guidelines for traffic safety management of hazardous chemicals’
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2013-01-17 09:34:09 【Font:Large Middle Small

SAWS issued on Jan. 6th, 2013 a draft ‘Guidelines for traffic safety management of hazardous chemicals’.


The draft Guideline rules that all hazardous chemicals i.e. GHS classified chemicals should be transported by following requirements similar to Dangerous Goods. It rules that (1) if a hazardous chemical is not covered by Dangerous Goods List GB12268 (remark by Randis: it is equal to ‘UN Recommendation Part 3 - Dangerous Goods List), the Consigner should get the hazardous chemical classified for proper transportation means by organization accredited by government; (2) the consignee shall be those accredited for Dangerous Goods Transportation; and many other requirements for the transportation on loading/unloading/package/risk assessment/training, etc.. And these are mandatory requirements!


Impact: this will impose huge impact to consigner of chemicals --- when the chemical is GHS-classified, even only Irritation Class 2.


Randis has already conveyed the concerns on point (1) and (2) above to draftsman of the Guideline.


The original draft at: www.chinasafety.gov.cn/newpage/Contents/Channel_5826/2013/0106/195214/content_195214.htm