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Dangerous Chemical Registration---A Work NOT Easy
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2013-07-01 13:38:27 【Font:Large Middle Small

Dangerous Chemical Registration --- A Work NOT Easy


Dangerous Chemical Registration (www.randis.cn/html/ywb/Exwzx_266_188.asp) for China Importers has been initiated. Importers need to make the registration through the new on-line registration system.


Although the further details and the new version ‘Catalogue of Dangerous Chemicals of China’ are not issued yet, it is already conclude that the registration work is not an easy one.


There exists many more detailed requirements for Chinese SDS. For example, Section 2 of SDS should provide a Emergency Response summary; Section 8 should provide occupational exposure limit or biological limit (if such limits exist) and related monitoring method should be provided; Section 11 and 12 should provide toxicity data (test results or data from authoritative databanks) that support the GHS classification results. There exists also detailed requirements for other sections of SDS.


For Chinese SDS prepared solely according to GB/T 16483-2008 and Chinese SDS translated from SDS in other languages, almost none of them can meet the registration requirements.


Without professional knowledge and practical experiences, it is almost impossible for importers to have the registration dome for themselves.


Should you need further information, please feel free to contact us.