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Taiwan: Several New Managements on Chemcials Implemented in 2015
Author:佚名 Hits: Date:2015-01-04 19:10:33 【Font:Large Middle Small

Taiwan: From Jan. 1st of 2015, New System of Chemical Management is Taking off on Chemical Management


The legislation procedures of several regulations related to the second stage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), which is governed by Ministry of Labor, have been completed. The contents, the tools, and the guidance of these regulations are published on their relevant websites. Industries should comply with the regulations to complete the processes of registration, report, permission, and risk ranking management of chemicals.



1. The Regulation of New Chemical Substances Registration

Contents: Manufacturers or importers shall not manufacture or import chemicals containing new chemical substances that are not on the inventory of chemical substances announced by the central competent authority prior to submitting a chemical substance safety assessment report to the central competent authority and receiving registration approval for the new substances.

Link: http://csnn.osha.gov.tw/



2. The Regulation of Designation and Handling Permission of Controlled Chemicals

Contents: Manufacturers, importers, suppliers or employers shall not manufacture, import, supply, or provide for workers to handle or use controlled chemicals that are designated by the central competent authority, unless they are approved by the central competent authority are not subject to this restriction.

Link: http://prochem.osha.gov.tw/



3. The Regulation of Specification and Handling Management of Priority Management Chemicals

Contents: Manufacturers, importers, suppliers or employers shall report relevant handling information for priority management chemicals specified by the central competent authority to the central competent authority for reference.

 Link: http://prochem.osha.gov.tw/



4. The Regulation of Evaluation and Risk Ranking Management of Hazardous Chemicals

Contents: The employers shall assess the degrees of risks the chemicals pose based on hazards to health, distribution, quantity of use and other conditions, and adopt management measures according to risk ranking.

Link: http://ccb.osha.gov.tw/



5. Previously published GHS Regulation: The Regulation of Labelling and Hazard Communication of Hazardous Chemicals (promulgated and took effect on July 3rd, 2014)

Contents: The employers shall label, make inventories, and display safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals, and adopt necessary hazard communication measures.

Link: http://ghs.osha.gov.tw/


Should you need further information about above regulations, please feel free to contact us.

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